NAME fig2dev - translates Fig code to various graphics lan- guages SYNOPSIS fig2dev -L language [ -m mag ] [ -f font ] [ -s fsize ] [ other options ] [ fig-file [ out-file ] ] DESCRIPTION Fig2dev translates fig code in the named fig-file into the specified graphics language and puts them in out-file. The default fig-file and out-file are standard input and standard output, respectively Fig (Facility for Interactive Generation of figures) is a screen-oriented tool which allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively. Various versions of Fig run under the Suntools/Sunview window environment and under version 11 of the X Windows System. Fig2dev is com- patible with Fig versions 1.3, 1.4, 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0. OPTIONS -L Set the output graphics language. Valid languages are box, epic, eepic, eepicemu, ibmgl, latex, null, pic, pictex, ps, pstex, pstex_t, textyl, mf (META- FONT) and tpic. -m Set the magnification at which the figure is ren- dered to mag. The default is 1.0. -f Set the default font used for text objects to font. The default is Roman; the format of this option depends on the graphics language in use. In TeX- based languages, the font is the base of the name given in lfonts.tex, for instance "cmr" for Roman, or "tt" for teletype. In PostScript, it is any font name known to the printer or interpreter. -s Set the default font size (in points) for text objects to fsize. The default is 11*mag, and thus is scaled by the -m option. If there is no scal- ing, the default font is eleven point Roman." -V Print the program version number only. other options The other options are specific to the choice of graphics language, as described below. Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 1 EPIC OPTIONS EPIC is an enhancement to LaTeX picture drawing environ- ment. It was developed by Sunil Podar of Department of Computer Science in S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook. EEPIC is an extension to EPIC and LaTeX picture drawing environment which uses tpic specials as a graphics mecha- nism. It was written by Conrad Kwok of Division of Com- puter Science at University of California, Davis. EEPIC-EMU is an EEPIC emulation package which does not use tpic specials. -l Use "\thicklines" when width of the line is wider than lwidth. The default is 2. -v Include comments in the output file. -P Generate a complete LaTeX file. In other words, the output file can be formatted without requiring any changes. The additional text inserted in the begin- ning and at the end of the file is controlled by the configuration parameter "Preamble" and "Postam- ble". -S Set the scale to which the figure is rendered. This option automatically sets the magnification and size to scale / 12 and scale respectively. -W Enable variable line width -w Disable variable line width. Only "\thicklines" and/or "\thinlines" commands will be generated in the output file. When variable line width option is enabled, "\thinlines" command is still used when line width is less than LineThick. One potential problem is that the width of "\thinlines" is 0.4pt but the resolution of Fig is 1/80 inch (approx. 1pt). If LineThick is set to 2, normal lines will be drawn in 0.4pt wide lines but the next line width is already 2pt. One possible solution is to set LineThick to 1 and set the width of the those lines you want to be drawn in "\thinlines" to 0. Due to this problem, Variable line width VarWidth is defaulted to be false. IBM-GL OPTIONS IBM-GL (International Business Machines Graphics Language) is compatible with HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Lan- guage). Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 2 -a Select ISO A4 (ANSI A) paper size if the default is ANSI A (ISO A4) paper size. -c Generate instructions for an IBM 6180 Color Plotter with (without) an IBM Graphics Enhancement Car- tridge (IBM-GEC). -d Restrict plotting to a rectangular area of the plotter paper which has a lower left hand corner at (xll,yll) and a upper right hand corner at (xur,yur). All four numbers are in inches and fol- low -d in a comma-sparated list - xll,yll,xur,yur - with no spaces between them. -f Load text character specifications from the table in the fonts file. The table must have 36 entries - one for each font plus a default. Each entry consists of 5 numbers which specify the 1.) stan- dard character set (0 - 4, 6 - 9, 30 - 39), 2.) alternate character set (0 - 4, 6 - 9, 30 - 39), 3.) character slant angle (degrees), 4.) character width scale factor and 5.) character height scale factor. -l Load area fill line patterns from the table in the patterns file. The table must have 21 entries - one for each of the area fill patterns. Each entry consists of 5 numbers which specify the 1.) pattern number (-1 - 6), 2.) pattern length (inches), 3.) fill type (1 - 5), 4.) fill spacing (inches) and 5.) fill angle (degrees). -m The magnification may appear as the first element in a comma sepatated list - mag,x0,y0 - where the second and third parameters specify an offset in inches. -p Load plotter pen specifications from the table in the pens file. The table must have 9 entries - one for each color plus a default. Each entry consists of 2 numbers which specify the 1.) pen number (1 - 8) and 2.) pen thickness (millimeters). -P Rotate the figure to portrait mode. The default is landscape mode. -S Set the pen speed to speed (centimeters/second). -v Plot the figure upside-down in portrait mode or backwards in landscape mode. This allows you to write on the top surface of overhead transparencies without disturbing the plotter ink on the bottom surface. Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 3 Fig2dev may be installed with either ANSI A or ISO A4 default paper size. The -a option selects the alternate paper size. Fig2dev does not fill closed splines. The IBM-GEC is required to fill other polygons. Fig2dev may be installed for plotters with or without the IBM-GEC. The -c option selects the alternate instruction set. LATEX OPTIONS -l Sets the threshold between LaTeX thin and thick lines to lwidth pixels. LaTeX supports only two different line width: \thinlines and \thicklines. Lines of width greater than lwidth pixels are drawn as \thicklines. Also affects the size of dots in dotted line style. The default is 1. -d Set a separate magnification for the length of line dashes to dmag. -v Verbose mode. LaTeX cannot accurately represent all the graphics objects which can be described by Fig. For example, the possible slopes which lines may have are limited. Some objects, such as spline curves, cannot be drawn at all. Fig2latex chooses the closest possible line slope, and prints error messages when objects cannot be drawn accurately PIC OPTIONS -p Enables the use of certain PIC extensions which are known to work with the groff package; compatibility with DWB PIC is unknown. The extensions enabled by each option are: arc Allow ARC_BOX i.e. use rounded corners line Use the 'line_thickness' value fill Allow ellipses to be filled all Use all of the above psfont Don't convert Postscript fonts generic type (useful for files going to be Ditroff'ed for and printed on PS printer). DWB-compatible. allps Use all of the above (i.e. "all" + "psfont") PICTEX OUTPUT In order to include PiCTeX pictures into a document, it is necessary to load the PiCTeX macros. Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 4 PiCTeX uses TeX integer register arithmetic to generate curves, and so it is very slow. PiCTeX draws curves by \put-ing the psymbol repeatedly, and so requires a large amount of TeX's internal memory, and generates large DVI files. The size of TeX's memory limits the number of plot symbols in a picture. As a result, it is best to use PiCTeX to generate small pictures. POSTSCRIPT OPTIONS With PostScript, Fig can be used to create large posters. The figure will be created by printing multiple pages which can be glued together. Simply by not specifying the -c (centering) option and by specifying the -P (add show- page) option you will get a multi-page output. Due to memory limitations of most laser printers, the figure should not be too complicated. Great for text with very big letters. Text can now include various ISO-character codes above 0x7f, which is useful for language specific characters to be printed directly. Not all ISO-characters are imple- mented. Color support: Colored objects created by Fig can be printed on a color postscript printer. There are 32 stan- dard colors: black, yellow, white, gold, five shades of blue, four shades of green, four shades of cyan, four shades of red, five shades of magenta, four shades of brown, and four shades of pink. In addition there may be user-defined colors in the file. See the xfig FORMAT3.1 file for the definition of these colors. On a monochrome printer, colored objects will be mapped into different grayscales by the printer. Filled objects are printed using the given area fill and color. There are 21 "shades" going from black to full saturation of the fill color, and 21 more "tints" from full saturation + 1 to white. In addition, there are 16 patterns such as bricks, diagonal lines, crosshatch, etc. -c option centers the figure on the page. The center- ing may not be accurate if there are texts in the fig_file that extends too far to the right of other objects. -l dummy_arg Generate figure in landscape mode. The dummy argu- ment is ignored, but must appear on the command line for reasons of compatibility. This option will override the orientation specification in the file (for file versions 3.0 and higher). -M Generate multiple pages if figure exceeds page size. Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 5 -p dummy_arg Generate figure in portrait mode. The dummy argu- ment is ignored, but must appear on the command line for reasons of compatibility. This option will override the orientation specification in the file (for file versions 3.0 and higher). This is the default for Fig files of version 2.1 or lower. -P indicates that the figure describes a full page which will not necessarily be inserted into a docu- ment, but can be sent directly to a PS printer. This ensures that a showpage command is inserted at the end of the figure, and inhibits translation of the figure coordinate system. -n name Set the Title part of the PostScript output to name. This is useful when the input to fig2dev comes from standard input. -x offset shift the figure in the X direction by offset units (1/72 inch). A negative value shifts the figure to the left and a positive value to the right. -y offset shift the figure in the Y direction by offset units (1/72 inch). A negative value shifts the figure up and a positive value down. -z pagesize Sets the pagesize. Available page sizes are "Let- ter" (8.5" x 11"), "Legal" (11" x 14") "Ledger" (11" x 17"), "A4" (21cm x 29.7cm), and "B5" (18.2cm x 25.7cm). PSTEX OPTIONS The pstex language is a variant of ps which suppresses formatted (special) text. The pstex_t language has the complementary behavior: it generates only LaTeX commands necessary to position special text, and to overlay the PostScript file generated using pstex. These two drivers can be used to generate a figure which combines the flexibility of PostScript graph- ics with LaTeX text formatting of special text. The pstex_t option -p file specifies the name of the PostScript file to be overlaid. If not set or its value is null then no PS file will be inserted. Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 6 TEXTYL OPTIONS There are no TeXtyl-specific options. METAFONT OPTIONS -C code specifies the starting METAFONT font code. -n name specifies the name to use in the output file. -p pen specifies the size of the METAFONT pen. -t top specifies the top of the whole coordinate system. -x xneg specifies the minimum x coordinate value of the figure (inches). -y yneg specifies the minumum y coordinate value of the figure (inches). -X xpos specifies the maximum x coordinate value of the figure (inches). -Y ypos specifies the maximum y coordinate value of the figure (inches). TPIC OPTIONS There are no tpic-specific options. SEE ALSO [x]fig(1), pic(1) pic2fig(1), transfig(1) COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1985 Supoj Sutantavibul Copyright (c) 1991 Micah Beck Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The authors make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 7 SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER- CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. AUTHORS Micah Beck Cornell University Sept 28 1990 and Frank Schmuck (then of Cornell University) and Conrad Kwok (then of U.C. Davis). drivers contributed by Jose Alberto Fernandez R. (U. of Maryland) and Gary Beihl (MCC) Color support, ISO-character encoding and poster support by Herbert Bauer ( Modified from f2p (fig to PIC), by the author of Fig Supoj Sutanthavibul ( University of Texas at Austin. MetaFont driver by Anthony Starks ( Release 3.1(.0) (Protocol 3.1) Jan 9, 1995 8